Working with motors, string, paper and cardboard Swiss artist Zimoun makes amazing installations that dramatically change spaces both sonically and visually.
Playtronica - Touch interfaces and performance /
The Russian / French company Playtronica is definitely the most prolific creators of touch-based musical installations. They currently have two devices that they sell that allow anyone to create the kind of work that they put into public spaces (or perform in concert settings).
This blog post will grow over time as I develop a greater understanding of their work and look at examples of their performances and novel uses of their devices (Touch Me and Playtron).
Playtronica at the Pompidou
Playtronica created this performance piece in collaboration with Arte Radio at the Centre Pompidou. It is a re-imagining of György Ligeti’s music and inspired by the Endless Column sculpture b y Constantin Brâncuși in the background.
The passers-by had to, step onto Playtronica-wired floor, and touch the skin of the “columns”. Thus, by spontaneous interaction of strangers, a new interpretation of a famous masterpiece was born.
‘Inclusive’ testing of their installation at the Pompidou
The album that made me delete all my News apps /
Last week was a rough week, I was coping pretty well in this mess of a year up until last week. Like many folks here in Melbourne I think the lockdown is getting to me a bit more than I had been letting on.
Read MoreInterview on State of the Art - PBS /
I had the great pleasure to chat to Annika on State of the Art about Playable Streets’ new online platform ‘Playable Web’. We discuss moving from interaction online onto the internet. How does a company that is so focussed on real and tangible touch interactions create work that is still collaborative in spirit?
You can listen to the interview here and go to the PBS website to listen and support their great work!