Last week was a rough week, I was coping pretty well in this mess of a year up until last week.
Febm - Tape 3
Like many folks here in Melbourne I think the lockdown is getting to me a bit more than I had been letting on. Not seeing family and friends, never really breathing fresh air (we have no outside space and are masked every time we leave the house). And to top it all off I am very closely watching the shipwreck that is unfolding in the United States. I know my interest is outsized, I lived there for a couple of years and still have close friends in Lincoln, Nebraska but really if I follow any news I should be following what’s happening in my own backyard!
I don’t think it is actually the news that I am following, I have no agency, I have no control over what happens in American politics. The reason I follow it is for the show, the drama, the twists and turns. Every day is a new episode of an Orson Welles radio drama (is this real? Surely this isnt real!).
So I say farewell (for now) to the supreme court, the tax returns, the protests and the gun-toting white supremicists. I’m turning off, apps are deleted…
Oh and what was the Album that got me thinking about this? It is the new Album from Netherlandian Felbm. His last two albums (Tape 1 & Tape 2) were fantastic mellow almost ‘elevator lounge’ but somehow not in a daggy way. This new tape (Tape 3) adds real drums and a much bigger sound, there is some real soul in this album but with the same Felbm tone and weirdness.
There is nothing about this album that directly made me want to stop listening to American political news (so no guarantee it will work for you!). I think it is simply that there are no words that can ever be a substitute for good music, so I’ll stop.